BJD Mad Libs

Have you ever played the game Mad Libs before? If you haven’t, I have a treat for you today!

Mad Libs is a story word game in which you have a story with missing parts. You can ask a friend to fill in the blanks and then you read it once all the words are filled in. I recently did this with my stream on my YouTube channel. It was a hoot!

Are you ready to play? Try out these fun stories!

Shopping for my new BJD

I am so excited because today I am getting my ___th(number) BJD. I bought all the essentials for it.  I got a ___(noun), ___(noun), and ____(noun).  All BJD owners know that if they want a ____(adjective) BJD you have to get a _____(noun).

Another important thing to buy are _____(plural noun). If you don’t get these your doll could get stained.

Oh! I almost forgot! You want to make sure that you have _____(adjective) doll you might want to consider restringing.

Some dolls need to be restrung so make sure you use a _____(tool) to help you restring it properly.

I can’t wait to do the box opening! I am sure I will be _____(emotion) with my new doll.

A BJD Haiku

A small resin _____(body part 1 syllable)

You are sitting on my ____(something in your house 1 syllable)

My _____(adjective with 3 syllables) doll

How to put in BJD eyes

Do you need help putting in your BJD eyes? Don’t stress because today I am going to teach you how to do it in ____ (number) easy steps!

First you need to gather the materials. Get a favorite pair of _____(noun) that you want to put in your dolls head.  Also you will need some sticky ______(noun).  Some people use _____(plural noun) but it is whatever you prefer.

Once you have your materials you are going to want to ______(verb with ly) remove the headcap. Clear out any _____(noun) from the head and start kneading the _____(something sticky).

After you kneed it and make it soft you can roll it into a ____(shape)shape. Wrap it around the eye and then simply insert it into the head.

Tadah! Easy as that! Next time we can talk about how to restring the ____(body part).

Hope you had fun doing these Mad Libs! Let me know if you tried them out with some friends. As always, I hope you have a dollytastic day!

The post BJD Mad Libs appeared first on BJD Life.