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BJD Life

How do you research dolly info?

Gotta love the BJD Life!

Taking the first step into purchasing a doll can be a bit scary. Just like when you buy a car or something else that is a high ticket item you want to do your research on it. This week we are taking a look into BJD resources and modern ways to look at reviews and comparisons for dolls.

What we will show you this week...

-BJD sites/info hubs

-The do’s and don’ts on researching

-Updates and more

BJD Sites/info sites

Not to date myself (but I seem to do this a lot)- DOA was THE place to go to for BJD info. Now not to say that it isn’t a valid source of info (it is still HUGE, amazing, and well organized to view), but the hobby has grown since then and there are multiple other places to check into too now!

As social media grows and expands there are many platforms out there for doll enthusiasts to look at for dolly info.

Why use these sites?

Most of these informative sites offer reviews, news, community alerts, doll company comparisons/matches, and more. Each site has their own set of rules and guidelines so make sure to read them and know what they allow and don’t allow.

Personally, I really like being able to check into different sources because you get to hear from different people around the world. There are many people out there that are fountains of knowledge and are willing to share their experiences with you.

5 Dolly research sites to check out:

Are you an Instagram fan? There is a great page there called BJD Awareness that gives out community alerts and some general information on BJD care. Here is a link to their Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bjdawareness/ or @bjdawareness

Maybe your prefer to look around on YouTube? I am a very visual person when it comes to learning about something. If you are this kind of person too then I recommend subscribing to MsKittyBlue. Their collection of dolls is ASTOUNDING~ Their channel offers reviews and comparisons that go in great depth!

Are you on Discord all the time? Check out BJD Addicts on discord! They have different channels and sections for you to browse. There is a sales sections, waiting room, crafting section, and more!

Have you ever checked out BJD Wiki? It is a great resource for BJD owners looking for info on things such as restringing, customizing, and more!

Another resource is Reddit. Now I am not going to lie…my husband LOVES using Reddit but I am such an old fart that I don’t really understand it all the way sometimes. However, BJDs have made it onto Reddit and you can find a community there with information and resources.

Want to learn more? Check out my article on BJD Sites You Need To Know

The do’s and don’ts of BJD research


  • Look up multiple sites for info-you might learn other tips and tricks from different places

  • Check out all the topics before asking your questions. Most sites even have a search feature you can use to check if someone has already asked your question before

  • Read the rules/guidelines for the site you are looking to join before posting and asking questions. Some things might be off topic (such as recasts).


  • I know some people say “There are never dumb questions” but it’s good to do your own research in this hobby if you are looking to join. Try to learn at least the surface level info and see if your question has already been asked. Simple questions like “How do I clean a BJD? What is good for BJD faceups? What is a good BJD Sealan?” all such popular questions that you can literally google it and get an answer.

  • Don’t assume 1 site is the best over others. You can learn a lot from looking around. When I first started in the hobby I looked up Youtube videos, DOA forum posts, and even Deviant Art (haha I know I am old).

Updates and more: Giveaway

An apology is in order for not having my giveaway video up when I said it would be. I am so grateful for all the support on my YouTube channel, blog, and newsletter. I honestly can’t believe it is still growing.

I am a teacher full time, property manager, and mom so life does get busy at times and I missed out on a Dolly Talk Tue and a Newsletter last week. I apologize for missing out and I do feel horrible about not having the giveaway ready. I will be working hard on that this week.

Things I will continue to work on…

-Continuing my Dolly Talk Tuesdays on my YouTube channel (Tuesdays at 8pm CT)

-A BJD book for doll collectors- I hope to have this ready for Dollcon Dallas!

-Continuing the newsletter and taking in suggestions from the survey I put out last time. Thanks to all those who wrote to me! I have some great suggestions and will be working on them!

-Hosting a giveaway to thank everyone for supporting my YouTube channel and newsletter!

I always like to know what YOU want to read more about or see. Are there topics you want more information on? Do you want to hear more about a certain type of doll? What things do you like to read about?

Giveaway Time!

I am so pleasantly surprised to have 11k subscribers on YouTube and almost 200 subscribers to the newsletter. As a thank you to the community I would like to host a giveaway! There will be a thank you video on my YouTube channel and if you drop a comment on the video you will be entered to win a BJD Life swag bag! I will share the video on all my social media accounts including the newsletter when I premier the video.

Until next time...

Have a dollytastic day!

BJD Life

PO Box 690835, San Antonio
United States of America