Updates and More

Looking towards the BJD Life Future

BJD Life

Updates and More

Gotta love the BJD Life!

Some quick updates and surveys for this week. I am currently out of town but I did want to hear from YOU. Thank you all for subscribing and tuning in.

What we will show you this week...

-Updates for BJD Life

-Surveys on what you want to see!

-Giveaway coming soon!

Updates for BJD Life

First and foremost thank you so much for subscribing and reading my little newsletter. I started this just for fun just like my YouTube channel and I am amazed at how much it has grown. I really enjoy having the freedom to talk about all the fun stuff revolving around the hobby and I hope you have been finding it entertaining.

Things I look forward to in the future…

-Continuing my Dolly Talk Tuesdays on my YouTube channel (Tuesdays at 8pm CT)

-A BJD book for doll collectors: I am excited to make a cool book for doll collectors that I hope will be useful and fun to have

-Continuing the newsletter with more exciting topics and fun things for my readers to enjoy

-Hosting a giveaway to thank everyone for supporting my YouTube channel and newsletter!


I always like to know what YOU want to read more about or see. Are there topics you want more information on? Do you want to hear more about a certain type of doll? What things do you like to read about?

Giveaway Time!

I can’t believe we have hit 11k subscribers on YouTube and almost 200 subscribers to the newsletter. As a thank you to the community I would like to host a giveaway! There will be a thank you video on my YouTube channel and if you drop a comment on the video you will be entered to win a BJD Life swag bag! The video will go live Friday October 20th, 2023.

Until next time...

Have a dollytastic day!

BJD Life

PO Box 690835, San Antonio
United States of America