👍Using Sharpies On My BJDs😬

Face up to Faceup mistakes

BJD Life

Using Sharpies On My BJDs

Gotta love the BJD Life!

Happy holidays friends!

There are so many people in the BJD hobby that look into doing their own faceups. Lessons are learned through trial and error and sometimes people really enjoy the process, while others take a step back. Check out the latest info on BJD faceups this week and hear from our featured artist!

What we will show you this week...

-People facing up to their BJD Faceups on Facebook

-The do’s and don’ts on BJD faceups

-BJD Faceup Artist interview

Facing up to faceup mistakes

This past week I was curious to see what other peoples experiences were with BJD faceups. I had asked if anyone had some faceup mistakes that made them go “doh”.

Personally I will fully admit for not having a proper ventilation mask for the first few YEARS. I would just hold my breath, spray away, and then run out of the room like it was on fire. Eventually I learned more and more how dangerous the fumes are and invested in a mask. I know my lungs will thank me later.

Check out some of these people facing up their faceup “doh’s”.

Drawing on the dominant hand eyebrow first... always start with the non-dominant hand side brow first. So if you're a Righty, draw the left brow first and vice versa. It makes it easier to mach the shapes.

Failing to wear cotton gloves. Oils and dirt (no matter how clean) from your hands will make muddy looking spots. The cotton gloves grab the stray pastel dust and hang onto it.

Using the WRONG sealer. It's not all created equal and some is more sensitive to moisture than others. Testors dull coat is my current favorite. -Lisa

So many surprised expressions when I started. 😅 Eyebrows belong on the brow ridge. -Mariko

Getting black paint in the crevices -Kimber

Please check out the post above and if you have a story to share please feel free to tell us your faceup “doh”!

The do’s and don’ts of BJD Faceups


-Use a good sealant to save layers of your work

-Watch videos of people doing faceups and practice it out on a piece of paper


-Use harsh chemicals or materials on your dolls. Sharpies are no go for sure!

-Never spray sealant in extreme weather conditions: humidity, heat, or freezing cold temps

-Never leave brushes dirty or full of acrylic. Just like you take care of your dolls you have care for your brushes too!

Another fun read is “5 Things I no Longer Do As A BJD Faceup Artist” by Naomi! They are our featured artist this week so please read on!

Please check out their website for oodles of info and advice for BJD Faceups. They are based out in Việt Nam and are super friendly. Check them out on Instagram too!

I've always been an artsy kid, honestly. I begin drawing and doodling as soon as the age of 3, as my mom recalled "baby sitting her is the easiest thing ever, just give her paper and crayon and she's all good and bubbly". Later on, when I grew up, I find the ability to change a doll's appearance just by painting is incredibly mesmerizing, and I decided to work on that.

My very first face up is a very funny story. I decided to experiment right away on my first bjd, and ended up staining his antler. I learned so much from it, but I regrets being too rushy with msc sealant at the time.

I have too many, but for now, don't rush the msc sealant!!! And always wear proper mask when you spray your bjds. I have a lot of tutorials, advices and little tips on faceup on my personal blog naomicamlux.wordpress.com. Please check them out if you have time.

I started doing faceup for my own experiment late 2019-early 2020. My first faceup is a very colorful faceup on my BJD doll chateau Amos in grey.

My future plan is to continue perfecting my craft and hopefully some day, to learn how to do resin eyes as well. I'm so excited to continue working as a faceup artist and to make new friends in the BJD community.


I always like to know what YOU want to read more about or see. Are there topics you want more information on? Do you want to hear more about a certain type of doll? What things do you like to read about?

New Year NEW YOU! Start the new year in a cool shirt or hat to wow your doll friends!

Until next time...

Have a dollytastic day!

BJD Life

PO Box 690835, San Antonio
United States of America